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Support Programme for Chronic Illness, ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

MP3 Download


Overall playing time: 6 hours 53m

meditation for chronic illness london

**Suitable for all levels, beginners & advanced

Track Listing

The wide ranging and often distressing symptoms of chronic illness, including ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, can keep the body in a state of constant stress, inhibiting its natural self-repair mechanisms.


Support your body’s natural healing process  

This twelve-week audio programme by Linda Hall supports the body’s natural healing process, providing powerful self-help tools to manage symptoms and underpin recovery.  Each weekly session combines gentle coaching and guided meditation followed by some easy to understand daily mindfulness practice.

If you suffer from fatigue, sensory overwhelm, ‘tired and wired’, busy mind, chronic tension, brain fog, anxiety, insomnia, or pain, this programme will teach you how to calm and re-balance your body and mind and help you to regain a sense of inner well-being.


Learn how to put your body into the optimum state for healing


You’ll learn what is likely to increase your symptoms, what you can do to lower them, and how to put your body into the optimum state for healing. It will help you develop the emotional and psychological resources needed to manage your condition and, where appropriate, move towards recovery.


Supporting you as an individual

This programme aims to support you as an individual, whatever your condition and level of mobility. It takes into account the cognitive impairment and hypersensitivity that often occurs through illness. All information is presented slowly, calmly and clearly and each of the twelve modules can be completed at your own pace.


Optional learning aides included


As an optional learning aide, a PDF document with the content in each module is included for you to print and then read at your own pace, to act as a reminder of what you’ve learnt and help you digest the information more easily. We’ve also provided a Frequently Asked Questions PDF document.

Linda had M.E. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, herself, for almost a decade. Since her recovery she has taught hundreds of patients at The Optimum Health Clinic, an award-winning UK clinic specialising in M.E. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.


Music – “In Spiritus” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke Licensed by


DISCLAIMER: This programme does not make any claims to treat or clinically cure a specific condition. It is designed to be part of a holistic approach to health-care, including nutrition and other appropriate specialist support.



(5:07 mins)

WEEK ONE – The First Steps to Self-Calm
Learn how lowering stress levels decreases symptoms and allows the body to heal
(30:23 mins)


WEEK TWO – Grounding your Body and Mind
The practice of ‘grounding’, and how it helps break the stress cycle
(28:54 mins)


WEEK THREE – Resting and Releasing Stress
The process of relaxation, and what’s necessary to be able to relax.
(33:26 mins)

WEEK FOUR – Breath Awareness for Relaxation
How to use your breath to release tension and calm your system
(36:38 mins)


WEEK FIVE – Being in the Here and Now
The healing benefits of resting your mind and body in the simple ‘here and now’
(29:59 mins)

WEEK SIX – Loving Kindness
The role of self-compassion in your health and well-being

(30:39 mins)

WEEK SEVEN – Mindfulness and Getting the Bigger Picture
Learn to support yourself through the practice of mindfulness

(38:25 mins)

WEEK EIGHT – Positive Thinking
Learn how the language you use affects your day-to-day symptoms and your health and well-being
(37:13 mins)


WEEK NINE – Positive Imagery
Use the power of your imagination to support your health and well-being
(60:08 mins) 

WEEK TEN – Just Being
Nourish and support yourself by feeling your connection with the larger universe and allow yourself to ‘just be’
(28:00 mins)

WEEK ELEVEN – Appreciating the Positives in Your Life
Discover how focusing on the positive things in your life benefits your health and well-being and helps you manage your symptoms
(28:41 mins)


WEEK TWELVE – Moving Forward
Recovery is a process that involves every aspect of you: mental, physical and emotional. This last module draws everything together and supports you to move forward after the programme has finished
(35:43 mins)

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